
Differences of Huawei B593u and B593s

I got few B593u models and it's pretty straight forward Broadcom BCM5358 based router with Linux. As usual GPL sources were never published by Huawei crooks. LTE modem side is simply Qualcomm MDM9200 based Huawei USB dongle connected internally to Broadcom SoC over USB.

How to capture LTE WAN traffic for diagnostic purposes on Huawei B593u and not so much of security

Found this document on Huawei webpage you might be interested. It's in Microsoft Word .docx format.

Serial console on Huawei B593u

Here's location of Huawei B593u TTL serial console. Settings are usual 115200 8N1.

What's inside Huawei B593u-12 LTE router?

There ain't many pictures showing innards of B593u around and even less ones with any details. This obviously needs to be fixed.

Well, that was easy

I think ethernet switch and wireless aren't supported by opensource drivers so even with OpenWrt booting on Huawei B593u-12 it's not much use. USB connected LTE module is not detected, my guess is that some GPIO needs to be toggled to enable it. PCA9555 GPIO expander would need some work too. Also 256MB NAND-flash is missing, only 16MB SPI flash is found.

Teaser on Huawei B539u hacking

CFE> boot -elf -tftp

Updating Ubuntu 12.04 LTS kernel to 3.15.8 with latest ddbridge DVB drivers

Set Excel 2013 cell size in millimeters (or inches for those relics living in US)

Open new excel sheet. Select desired paper size (A4 or A3... of course), orientation and set margins. Open View tab. Click Page Layout under Workbook Views. Press Ctrl+A. Open Home tab. Click Format under Cells. Select Row height and enter desired size with mm suffix (or "in" for rednecks) Click Format under Cells Select Column width and enter desired size. Open View tab. Click Normal under Workbook Views. Done.


Last steps with fixing SID history.

SID HISTORY: Fixing file servers

File servers are easy thanks to Microsoft tool.


SQL server logins may have old SIDs. This doesn't fix them (because we didn't have this particular problem at work) but shows if there's any that need to be fixed.

SID HISTORY: Fixing Exchange

Dumping my notes about fixing SID history at work. Use at your own risk. These worked for me but won't work for you without some adjustments.

Adding aufs support to Ubuntu LTS 14.04 with 3.16-rc5 kernel

Adding aufs support to 3.16-rc5 is little different than what is was for older kernels. Below works for Ubuntu LTS 14.04.

Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS with encrypted md mirrored rootfs and remote ssh unlock

This post is just to let everyone know old process described here in my earlier post still works and also survives upgrade from older Ubuntu version to 14.04 LTS.

Export Bitlocker recovery keys from AD using PowerShell

This exports list of BitLocker recovery keys from AD. Found it somewhere from web.

Export out-of-office (OOF) autoreplies from Exchange 2010 with Powershell

Quick and very dirty export out-of-office (OOF) autoreplies from Exchange 2010 with Powershell.  get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | get-mailboxautoreplyconfiguration | where {$_.autoreplystate -ne "disabled"} | select identity,autoreplystate,starttime,endtime,@{NAME='InternalMessage';Expression={$_.InternalMessage -replace ("`n") -replace("</p","/<") -replace("<.*?>") -replace("&nbsp;","") }},@{NAME='ExternalMessage';Expression={$_.InternalMessage -replace ("`n") -replace("</p","/<") -replace("<.*?>") -replace("&nbsp;","") }} | Export-Csv -Encoding unicode -NoTypeInformation outofoffice.csv

Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) 1.2.1 with Outlook 2010 and 2013

Many vbscripts use old Outlook / Exchange CDO components for MAPI access. Without CDO you'll get "ERROR: ActiveX component can't create object (MAPI.Session)" error message. Unfortunately CDO works only with 32-bit Outlook 2007. If you're running 32-bit Outlook 2010 or 2013 in either 32-bit or 64-bit OS following might come handy.

Flashing BeagleBone Black (rev B, 2GB eMMC) with Ubuntu 14.04

You're supposed to be able to use "BBB-eMMC-flasher" images to flash new OS directly from SD card. For whatever reason this sometimes fails to work. People blame power supplies which probably is one reason but not this time. In my case when trying to use BBB-eMMC-flasher image BBB started flashing all four user leds in sync without ever even attempting to flash image to eMMC.

Ubuntu 13.10 with TCP-IR (TCP Instant Recovery / FEC) enabled kernel v3.4.83

How would FEC (Forward Error Correction) enabled TCP/IP stack for Linux sound like? Yep, I know you're interested and want it. Start by checking these two links.

Digi One, PortServer etc. and double enter problem

There's annoying problem with Digi RS232 - Ethernet products (also sold BlackBox branded). Many if not most telnet clients are incompatible with their server implementation and treat single enter press as two enter presses. Incompatible clients are at least SecureCRT, Putty and one Microsoft includes with Windows. Teraterm works ok.

Measuring temperature with OpenWrt and submitting values to EmonCMS

I'm using OpenWrt with following customizations to send temperature readings to EmonCMS. Hardware is noname Ralink RT3052 router (WR512-3GN) and Dallas DS9097U compatible USB 1-wire adapter. Main reason for going with Image Generator instead of compiling custom firmware was to keep binary and API compatibility with packages from stock OpenWrt repository. Package selection below leaves 168kB free on JFFS2 filesystem. Drop editor, Luci etc. and you'll have a lot more free. If you don't need to patch init scripts like I did due bug in WR512-3GN support you can simply install packages and apply scripts over top of official OpenWrt release flashed to your router.

Updating Samsung SSD firmware without Windows

My attempts to update Samsung 840 EVO to new EXT0BB6Q firmware kept failing with "WDOSX Win32 subsystem: Abort from unhandled exception" error message. This seems to be due outdated FreeDOS Samsung uses. Old version is probably incompatible with newer motherboard or something.