
Convert Huawei E3372h-153 from HiLink/router-mode to Stick/modem-mode [ UPDATED 2016-09-02 ]

This is updated version of my original post. I purchased additional modem that's externally identical to old one but had different serial port USB ID (USB\VID_12D1&PID_1442&MI_00) missing from earlier driver pack causing original instructions to fail. I have also included latest Stick-mode firmware I've found and corrected some incorrect information on original post. Modern Huawei USB LTE modems can be used in two very different modes. Default is HiLink mode where it functions as router doing NAT and other nastiness much like more traditional 4G routers connected over WLAN or Ethernet. Unsurprisingly default mode is HiLink, but luckily it can be changed to Stick mode getting rid at least one layer of NAT and related issues. Actually there's also third mode which is subset of Stick, instead of native NCM interface it uses legacy PPP over emulated serial port. This can be sometimes useful with older routers with USB port but you won't be able ...

Upgrading Huawei E367u-2 firmware

Trying to upgrade Huawei E367u-2 from old 11.810.09.00.00 to latest available 11.838.01.00.1131 ends up with error code 16. This one was easy to fix - flash first  11.810.09.33.00 and then to latest.

Upgrading Sierra Wireless 319U firmware

Sierra Wireless 319U is fairly decent USB 3G dongle that supports up to 42Mbit/s DC-HSPA+. However it has nasty tendency to randomly hang .

Win10 Windows Update stuck at 0% downloading updates

All the hype with Windows 10 and still something as elementary as Windows Update keeps getting corrupted. Common failure appears to be it properly detecting required updates but then getting stuck at 0% when downloading them.

Silently and unattended install / upgrade Windows drivers

Upgrading Windows drivers tends to be troublesome and time consuming process. Here's little trick to make it easier.

Low budget fanless ZFS NAS

Dunno how this will end up as I did again mistake of digging up one of those Wyse Z90D7 terminals from junk pile. This time my idea is to use it for NAS after upgrading RAM from 2GB to 6GB and adding two 1TB 2.5" USB3 disks. Wyse being fanless and with host powered disks this should be decent combo. Then add FreeNAS 9.2 and ZFS with snapshots. Snapshots are mandatory feature as I'm sending this to friend of mine for christmas present. He's one of those who insist on installing every virus and cryptolocker he can find. With data backed up to NAS and protected by daily snapshots recovery is much easier than ever before. With assumption that he'll save important data to network drive which will then probably corrupt it all due me using inappropriate hardware...

Backup VMware ESXi to Linux with ZFS

Lowest budget backups for your free VMware ESXi hypervisor.