
Remote conversion of 64-bit CentOS 6.5 to 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04

For 32-bit source to 64-bit see my older post . Old install was using software RAID-1, but did not have LVM. Small 200MB /boot partition, 8GB swap and rest as one root partition. We're redoing it completely so what it used to be doesn't really matter. All existing data on root will be lost.

Oddities of dnsmasq when used with IPv6 resolvers

# dnsmasq --version Dnsmasq version 2.68 Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Simon Kelley Compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset auth # md5sum dnsmasq* 8a704b6aa977df9485b3faf940cc5e35 dnsmasq_2.68-1_all.deb 60bafb9b863671bb02595505a447270c dnsmasq-base_2.68-1_amd64.deb There was odd " [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, destination unreachable, unreachable port " going out from my server every time DNS reply was received. Turns out it was because dnsmasq IPv6 support is buggy .

Headless Ubuntu 14.04 Server with full disk encryption, remote unlock, software RAID, LVM and EFI for over 2TB disk support

Headless Ubuntu 14.01 LTS server with full disk encryption, remote unlock over SSH, software RAID, LVM and support for over 2TB disks with EFI and BIOS MBR boot. That's what this post is about. Oh, and pics are at the end.

Cisco EEM applet to monitor and repair broken DHCP leases

Dirty hack to renew DHCP lease on Cisco 881 if Internet access is lost. This can happen when Cisco has valid DHCP lease from ISP and then cable modem or DSL router is power cycled but switch between Cisco and upstream device keeps link-state up. Options are either to fix it manually (pull cable / change config / reboot Cisco) or hack something like below. I'm also pinging over VPN tunnel to Intranet as it would be shame to break this due Level 3 and Google blocking ICMP which might happen one day.