
DHCP tricks with Linux network namespace

Some notes from my experiments with fetching more than one IP address from DHCP for same physical ethernet adapter. Nothing too difficult and you don't even need netns for this, few policy route settings would be enough if dhclient (and especially dhclient-script) wouldn't be so broken. For example dhclient has nasty habit of hijacking udp/68 on all network interfaces rather than only those it controls. There's also issues in some cases due routing when DHCP server is not on local LAN but behind WAN like it's in corporate and ISP networks.

Installing Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to Wyse Z90D7 Windows Terminal

I recently posted how to update Wyze Z90D7 to latest available Windows firmware. Which is far from usable. Let's see how Ubuntu works on this hardware. Actual flavour I picked is Lubuntu, but hardware support should be same for all. TL;DR: What a piece of shit this is, don't waste your time just toss it to bin already.

Updating Wyse Z90D7 Windows Terminal from USB stick

I recently found old decommissioned Wyse Z90D7 Windows Terminal. Old BIOS, messed up OS, etc. So exactly how do I update this thing without all those complex management systems and active Wyse support contract?