
Updating Samsung SSD firmware without Windows

My attempts to update Samsung 840 EVO to new EXT0BB6Q firmware kept failing with "WDOSX Win32 subsystem: Abort from unhandled exception" error message. This seems to be due outdated FreeDOS Samsung uses. Old version is probably incompatible with newer motherboard or something.

XBMC 12.3, Tvheadend PVR addon, unable to open live transcode settings menu

Can't access Tvheadend "Client specific settings" to enable on-the-fly transcoding on XBMC 12.3 Frodo? 

Connecting Samsung 9 Series 900X3C running Windows 7 x64 to Onkyo TX-NR626 amplifier using Bluetooth A2DP

After replacing incredible slow Sandisk SSD Samsung ships this model with Crucial CT240M500SSD3 and doing clean bloatware free Win7 install I noticed I couldn't connect to my Onkyo TX-NR626 using bluetooth anymore. Reason was that Microsoft doesn't provide required drivers for A2DP bluetooth profile required.

Ubuntu 13.10 x64 with emoncms

Install Ubuntu 13.10 x64 Server version with default settings and try to follow Emoncms docs . Didn't work that well, right? Well why don't you follow these instructions instead.

Remote conversion of 32-bit CentOS 6.3 to 64-bit Ubuntu 13.10

Pretty much any Linux should be fine as long as you have suitable scratch partition for temp Ubuntu install, in this example we're re-using 6GB swap partition. Process is two step, first we do minimal 32-bit Ubuntu install over swap partition, boot system, hack it to 64-bit and finally do final 64-bit Ubuntu install over old CentOS rootfs.

Changing Windows 7 aero colors on the fly

I needed to change colors of Windows 7 taskbar and window decorations from command line. Quick Googlioplaza search revealed AutoIT3 example , but it was bit lacking. See updated version below.

Creating differential backups with 7-Zip

This is so great I'm shamelessly copying command lines for my own archive (aka this blog) - but also providing link to original .