
Enable Windows Remote Desktop remotely from command-line using PSEXEC

Need RDP access to remote Windows server or workstation, but forgot to enable it after installing OS? If there's no firewall blocking and required components are installed (as they are by default) run following command as user that has admin rights on target PC. PSEXEC.EXE -s \\HELSI1136 CMD.EXE /C "REG.EXE add ^"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server^" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"

XBMC and overlapping subtitles with iPlayer addon

There's often overlapping subtitles with XBMC and BBC iPlayer addon. Rather than modify actual addon and losing changes every time it's updated I hacked up script that edits SRT file after it's downloaded from BBC site but before XBMC reads it.

strongSwan 5.0.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10

Could we get any older versions included in distros? kthanksbye

Setting up XBMCbuntu 12 based HTPC - Part 6 - Configuring XBMC

Close but not quite yet. Next we change some hidden settings via command line and then some more via GUI. Below are settings I prefer. As usual, you probably want to set more than one of these differently.

Setting up XBMCbuntu 12 based HTPC - Part 5 - Recompile XBMC

Now it's getting more interesting. XBMC is notoriously bad in buffering content. There's various patches floating around but none of them really does what I'm looking for:

Setting up XBMCbuntu 12 based HTPC - Part 4 - lightdm

Next we need to fix annoying bug that prevents HDMI audio from working out of the box.

Setting up XBMCbuntu 12 based HTPC - Part 3 - OS tweaks

Since XBMCbuntu is just Ubuntu with some tweaks next we apply my usual Ubuntu fixes over it. Only major difference is that this time we're not removing Network-Damager. And of course bunch of XBMC specific changes.